Liste des mots relatifs au thème à table
Français | Anglais | Exemples (En cours de test : plus d’info ?) |
beurre | butter | Exemple. Pertinent Non pertinent
eau | water | Exemple. Pertinent Non pertinent many temperate areas have a dry spring, and wet autumn (fall), which brings about flowering in this season more consistent with the need for water as well as warmth. |
épice | spice | Exemple. Pertinent Non pertinent stir in spice paste, and cook until it begins to bubble, about 30 seconds. |
épicé | spicy | |
frire | to fry | |
la nourriture | the food | Exemple. Pertinent Non pertinent these restaurants often have trained chefs who prepare the food, while trained waitstaff serve the customers. |
la table | the table | |
lait | milk | Exemple. Pertinent Non pertinent food products produced by animals include milk produced by mammals, which in many cultures is drunk or processed into dairy products such as cheese or butter. |
le déjeuner | the lunch | |
le dessert | the dessert | |
le dîner | the dinner | |
le fromage | the cheese | |
le goûter | the snack | |
le pain | the bread | Exemple. Pertinent Non pertinent the modern meaning of sop has been limited to just the bread intended to be dipped. |
le petit déjeuner | the breakfast | |
le plat de résistance | the main course | |
l’entrée | the starter | |
poivre | pepper | Exemple. Pertinent Non pertinent
produits-laitiers | dairy product | |
salé | salty | |
sel | salt | Exemple. Pertinent Non pertinent
un couteau | a knife | |
un repas | a meal | Exemple. Pertinent Non pertinent a meal is made up of food which is prepared to be eaten at a specific time and place. |
un restaurant | a restaurant | Exemple. Pertinent Non pertinent in india, the word may also refer to a restaurant since the best restaurants were always situated next to a good hotel. |
un verre | a glass | |
une carafe | a carafe | |
une casserole | a pan | |
une cuillère à soupe | a soupspoon | |
une fourchette | a fork | |
une machine à café | coffee maker | |
une nappe | a tablecloth | |
une petite cuillère | a teaspoon | |
une poêle | a frying pan | |
une soupe | a soup | Exemple. Pertinent Non pertinent
the word soup originates from « sop », a dish originally consisting of a soup or thick stew which was soaked up with pieces of bread. |
une tache | a stain | |
ustensile | cookware | |
viande | meat | Exemple. Pertinent Non pertinent meat is an example of a direct product taken from an animal, which comes from either muscle systems or from organs. |
vin | wine | Exemple. Pertinent Non pertinent while baking, combine the cream of mushroom soup, milk and white wine in a medium bowl. |
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